Meet the Founding PArtner & COO
Tamala S. Bradham, Ph.D., DHA, CCC-A, CPPS, CPHQ
Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Professional
For 28 years, Dr. Bradham’s career has always centered on developing and implementing new, innovative service delivery models to improve care delivery.
As a clinician, researcher, published author, and professor, she is a multi talented and multifaceted leader that inspires those around her to deliver best practices based on the current state of knowledge, explore opportunities to improve service delivery, and innovate solutions for the tomorrow.
As a partner with 3C Digital Media Network, Dr. Bradham will connect people with great talents and knowledge to the network, collaborate with others to improve and develop oneself, and communicate with genuine passion and transparency.
"Grateful to work with such a dynamic team and bringing what matters most to you!" ~Tami